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Special Delivery to Down Under

Special Delivery to Down Under

We stock a variety of mobility bathing aids and say we were surprised when we received an email form Australia enquiring about delivery options for our large specialist powered shower chair with lift up action would be a severe understatement, and to be honest we wondered how genuine the enquiry actually was.  We decided it would do no harm to get some quotes for a pallet of this size to be delivered to Australia, forward them on and see what happens.

A couple of days later we were asked to go ahead and arrange the shipment, as they believed that this piece of equipment would make a huge difference to her husband. It was hard to believe that one of our biggest items was actually going to be heading off on such a journey and would be making an impact on an individuals well being at the other side of the world!

There was a lot of red tape and special preparations to be made, it was a massive learning curve, but when the help of our haulage company shipping day arrived and we sent our precious cargo off on a large ship to Oz!

The couple that received the chair were delighted when it arrived. It was strange to know that the shower chair that had been sitting in our showroom was now thousands of miles away making a difference for the better in someone life. We have kept in touch through Facebook and we still smile when we see their final message simply saying “St Patricks Day Down Under will never be the same again”

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